The growing number of e-commerce businesses in today’s consumerist and globalized market is pushing conventional shops to adopt digital methods of customer service. Traditional retail and distribution mechanisms faced additional challenges because to the COVID-19 epidemic. In a recent poll conducted by the National Retail Federation, over half of the respondents said they have placed…

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One of the best inventions since bread are companies who specialize in moving and storage. It’s amazing that someone had the bright idea to provide a place where you could safely store your belongings while relocating. A lot of people worry about where to store their possessions. Often, when you move into your new house,…

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A record fine of $2.75 billion was imposed on the tech giant for unfair business practices. There is a need for neo Luddites to rise to highlight the real dangers of the deployment of artificial intelligence on life and society. They could expose the hypocrisy, stupidity and evil intentions of the doomsayers of artificial intelligence,…

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